Key to Customer Experience: Strategies for Tough Times
Australian companies are alive to the fact that their contact centres can help deliver better customer experiences.
Another week, another announcement from an Australian company preparing to repatriate its contact centre operations, to improve customer support. This time it’s Westpac, preparing to take on 1000 local agents to handle consumer enquiries.
It reinforces the fact that customers care who handles their enquiries and how capably they do so, particularly when they’re dealing with complex and sensitive matters. Are you wondering if you should do a Westpac – or whether your contact centre offers service that’s superior or so-so? Here are some of the secrets to delivering a consistently outstanding customer experience.
Open all channels
Some customers like to get on the phone, while others prefer to use email or instant messaging to make enquiries and resolve issues. If you hope to keep the masses happy, the answer is to ensure your enterprise is accessible via several channels.
People power
A contact centre is only as good as its team. Finding and keeping great agents should be a priority and, as a result of the COVID pandemic, it’s not as tricky as once it was. Thousands of Australians are looking for work and many have stellar experience in the customer service sphere. If you allow employees to work remotely, you open the talent pool still further – to anyone with access to adequate telecommunications technology.
Helping agents soar
A contact centre team is only as good as its tools. Thorough training, ongoing coaching and access to a corporate knowledge reservoir will help your agents answer enquiries and resolve issues more efficiently.
A technology platform that enables better customer experiences
All these efforts can be for naught, if your contact centre isn’t based on a high-tech bedrock, in the form of a robust contact centre platform, from a vendor which makes it a mission to support and update its solution continually.
Making customer experience a priority in a post-pandemic world
Leaving customer experience to chance is a risky strategy in today’s tough times. Taking steps to optimise your contact centre can give your efforts in this area a boost and improve
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