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AI for Cold Calling

Cold calling is when an agent calls a potential customer who has not had any interaction with the agent before. Simply put, it is a process that involves calling new customers. It involves reaching out to people who haven't expressed any interest in the product or service that you have to offer.

Cold calling has been a strategy used in sales for quite some time now, however, it can involve a lot of manual effort and a low success rate. 

This is why AI for call centres has become so popular. But what exactly is AI for cold calling and what are the benefits? Keep reading to find out. 


Is AI For Cold Calling Legal in Australia?

Many people often wonder whether or not AI for cold calling is legal in Australia and to answer this question, it is. However, it is important to remember that AI for cold calling is subject to specific legal regulations that are put in place to protect consumers.

Therefore, you must comply with the following regulations to ensure legal and ethical practices. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties, reputational damage and legal action being taken by regulatory bodies.

A company named Zen Telecom Pty Ltd was fined $225,000 in 2014 for making false and misleading representations. Not only this, but they also breached the unsolicited consumer agreement provisions of the Australian Consumer Law.

Here are some of the legislations and key points to follow:

  1. Spam Act 2003: This legislation means that unsolicited commercial messages are only allowed to be sent with the recipient's consent.
    This applies to all electronic communications, including AI cold calls. This legislation is put in place to ensure businesses receive permission before contacting people.
  2. ASIC Warnings: ASIC stands for Australian Securities and Investments Commission. ASIC has issued warnings against cold-calling operators that use high-pressure sales tactics, including AI-driven calls that may pressure people into making financial decisions.
  3. Do Not Register Act 2006: This act was put in place to allow people to register their phone numbers on a system to avoid telemarketing calls. Although B2B communications are not subject to this register, businesses are still required to comply with this act.

So, to sum up, AI for cold calling is not illegal in Australia, however, all businesses must comply with these regulations by respecting the Do Not Call register and avoiding high-pressure sales tactics.


What Are the Benefits of AI for Cold Calling?

AI for cold calling offers a wide range of benefits, such as:

  • 24/7 operation: AI systems are able to operate consistently without running out of energy, which allows for constant outreach, ensuring no opportunities are missed.
  • Automates repetitive tasks: AI is a great way to simplify tasks, such as dialling numbers, logging calls and leaving voicemails. AI can help free up agents' time so they can focus on building relationships or closing deals.
  • Increased call volume: AI for cold calling can boost the number of calls made daily, which allows sales teams to reach more potential customers.
  • Tailored interactions: AI uses data analysis to personalise conversations based on behaviour and past interactions. These types of interactions improve conversation rates and increase engagement.
  • Consistent messaging: AI ensures consistent message delivery across all interactions. This is ideal because it maintains brand integrity and reduces any risks that can occur with human agents.

As you can see, AI for cold calling offers a wide range of benefits. Keep reading for an example of an AI cold-calling script.


AI Cold Calling Example

An AI cold calling script is generated by AI to help agents make effective calls to potential customers. All of the scripts are tailored to meet the needs of the business's target audience. Here is an example of how an AI cold-calling script may look:

  1. Introduction: 'Hello (client name), this is (agent name) calling from (Your business). How are you today?'
  2. State the purpose of the call: "I'm contacting you today to discuss (briefly describe what you are offering)
  3. Call to action: "Would you be interested in learning more about (state your product or service here)?"
  4. Closing the conversation: If the potential client would like more information, you could use the following script: "Thank you for your time, I will send over some more information and I look forward to speaking to you again soon".

AI tools are ideal as they can customise the scripts by analysing customer data, including past conversations, demographics and more. This tailored approach increases the chances of a sale.


Simplify Cold Calling With MaxContact

Here at MaxContact, we offer a wide range of features that can be applied to cold calling, such as automated dialling, AI chatbots to handle any basic queries you may have, speech analytics to analyse conversations, and improved agent performance.

There is a range of reasons why you could benefit from using speech analysis for your business. For example, it allows you to understand your customer’s needs and provide them with the help and support they require.

We at MaxContact also offer automated dialling, which is an engagement platform that combines automated dialling with intelligent workflows. This can help simplify cold calling by allowing your sales team to have more productive conversations.

Some of the other platforms we offer are:

  • Customisable scripting: This feature is used to help guide sales representatives through their decision-making process to make sure all calls are structured correctly.
  • Omnichannel integration: This platform allows businesses to engage with potential customers across different channels, which can enhance customer experience.
  • AI and speech analytics: This platform provides AI-powered speech analytics to help businesses refine their cold-calling strategies to improve outcomes.
  • Real-time monitoring and support: Here at MaxContact, we provide support features to allow managers to support their teams during cold calls.

If you would like more information about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.


Daniel Harding
Post by Daniel Harding
Daniel is the Director of MaxContact Australia. Since launching the business in Australia with its first clients in 2019, it has rapidly grown to become the solution of choice for businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Daniel has a comittment to ensuring that MaxContact Australia continues to grow whilst delivering value for all customers.