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CSAT Survey Question Examples

Do you want to improve customer satisfaction and maintain customer retention? If so, a CSAT (customer satisfaction) survey can help.

CSAT surveys are used by a wide range of businesses in different industries worldwide, such as Slack, Amazon, Apple, Uber and many more.

But what exactly is a customer satisfaction survey and why would your business benefit from it?

Throughout this blog, we will provide you with everything you need to know about CSAT surveys and some examples you can use for inspiration. Keep reading to find out more.


What is a CSAT Survey?

A customer satisfaction survey is used to measure customer satisfaction. It is a great way to understand your customers' needs and opinions.

The most common way to start a CSAT survey is by asking, ‘How satisfied are you with our organisation?’

However, the questions can vary depending on what you are asking the customer.

For example, if you are asking a question about a product, then you could ask something along the lines of ‘On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the product?’.

Customer satisfaction surveys are one of the most simple ways to calculate and measure customer satisfaction.

There is usually a scale that ranges from 1-10 underneath the question. This makes it easy for customers to vote about how satisfied they are with your services.

Overall, a CSAT survey is tailored to suit your business, which is why it is important to use a CSAT survey that works best for you and your customers.


What Are the Benefits of Using a CSAT Survey?

Now that you have a better understanding of what a CSAT survey is, let’s discuss the benefits:


1: CSAT Surveys Can Identify Areas of Improvement 

Once your customer satisfaction survey has been completed, you will be able to understand what you are doing well and what you could improve on. 

For example, if you created a survey based on how satisfied customers were with a certain product and the majority were unsatisfied, then you will be able to understand why this is and create a plan to improve it.

To further understand why your customers voted low or high, you can add a text box that allows them to leave comments regarding why they voted, what they did or what they think you could improve on.


2: CSAT Surveys Can Help You Build Customer Loyalty

Providing your customers with a CSAT survey shows that you value their opinion and that you want to do everything you can as a business to ensure they are satisfied with your services. 

These surveys also allow you to engage with customers, which is ideal as it provides you with insights about how your customers feel about your business.

It also helps you identify what customers are more likely to leave your business for your competition.

This way you can come up with ways to retain these customers, such as:

  • Providing them with deals
  • Communicating with them
  • Personalising their experience 
  • Simplifying their journey
  • Gathering feedback 


3: Reduce Bad Word of Mouth

Running a business can be hard enough, which is why it is important to do everything you can to reduce bad word of mouth. Not only can this affect your business, but you can also lose customers and sales.

A CSAT survey allows your customers to voice their opinions based on how they feel about your company.

Did you know, 47% of customers that have a service complaint or are unhappy with a product will voice it on social media? (Source: Sprout Social).

This is why it is so important that you provide your customers with a safe space to explain why they are unhappy with a product and what you as a business could do to improve their experience.

This way you are reducing bad word of mouth and improving customer satisfaction.



CSAT Survey Examples

As you can see, CSAT surveys offer a wide range of benefits for customers and businesses alike. There are many different versions of a CSAT survey, such as:

  • Rating scale surveys: These surveys usually use a scale numbered 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 to allow customers to rate how satisfied they are with a certain product or service.
  • Multiple choice questions: These surveys allow customers to choose from multiple options that you provide them with.
  • Binary scale surveys: These surveys only offer two options, such as happy/sad faces or yes/no answers.
  • Open-ended questions: These surveys provide customers with the opportunity to provide detailed feedback.
  • Visual rating survey:  This survey is slightly similar to the binary scale survey, however, these surveys may include a thumbs up/ down or a star rating survey.

The type of survey depends on your goals and objectives as a company. Here are some examples of CSAT surveys you can use for your business. 

But remember to tailor your survey to suit your business.


Example 1: Rating Scale Survey 

Here is an example of how you can expect a CSAT survey to look. We would recommend that you add the option to provide feedback.

This way you can better understand why the customer voted the way they did and the reason behind it.

Not all surveys are designed the same. For example, some may be found in the form of a list. Here is another example of a CSAT.


Example 2: Multiple Choice Survey


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This is a similar survey to the one above; however, it is laid out slightly differently. You can also add a feedback section to allow your customers to express their thoughts and opinions about your business.


Example 3: Binary Scale Survey

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This is an example of what a binary scale survey looks like. You could use yes or no answers instead of smiley/sad faces; however, this completely depends on personal preference. 

Binary scale surveys can have many benefits as it is visual and quick to complete, which means that more people may feel inclined to vote as it doesn’t take too much of their time.


Example 4: Open-ended Questions

Open-ended questions are questions that require customers to respond to in their own words. It is ideal as it provides you with a better understanding of your customer's thoughts, feelings and opinions.

Here are some examples of open-ended questions:

  1. What improvements would you like to see on our website?
  2. How would you describe your recent experience with us?
  3. What did you think about our new product?


Example 5: Visual Rating Survey

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A visual rating survey uses stars or thumbs up/down. This survey is quick and easy to use and can be used to rate a range of different things, such as customer service and how satisfied they are with a certain product.

Here are some examples of CSAT survey questions:

  • How would you rate the support you received?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of our customer service?
  • How likely are you to recommend our company to your friends/family?
  • How would you describe your satisfaction with our company?
  • How satisfied are you with the speed and quality of our services?

So, if you want to improve your customer service skills, build relationships and retain customers, a customer satisfaction survey may be the solution for you!


Improve Your Customer Service With MaxContacts Quality Assurance Software

Here at MaxContact, we offer a wide range of services, including quality assurance software. Our software can help you improve your customer service through:

  • Call monitoring and recording 
  • Playback and analysis 
  • Real-time guidance 
  • Feedback and coaching 
  • Performance tracking.

Here at MaxContact, we aim to help businesses improve their overall customer experience, which in turn can lead to higher customer satisfaction scores. 

This platform focuses on monitoring, analysing, and improving customer interactions. For more information on the services we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


Daniel Harding
Post by Daniel Harding
Daniel is the Director of MaxContact Australia. Since launching the business in Australia with its first clients in 2019, it has rapidly grown to become the solution of choice for businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Daniel has a comittment to ensuring that MaxContact Australia continues to grow whilst delivering value for all customers.