Meet MaxContact: Elliot Debinski
As part of our onboarding at MaxContact we always like to introduce new team members to our audience. It's a great way of getting to know the people that make up our team, what makes them tick and what they do in their spare time. This month we welcome Elliot to the team.....
Tell us about yourself
Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, the city of the Colosseum that is the MCG is a place I call home. On top of my passion for CX, central to my life is family and friends, probably followed by sport. I particularly love AFL and I am currently playing for AJAX in the VAFA. I'll certainly play footy for as long as my body lets me and I've always loved team sport because of the values of comradely, commitment and dedication it has and continues to instil within me. I also thoroughly enjoy gardening.
How long have you been with MaxContact?
Almost two weeks
What is your death row meal?
Chocolate-covered strawberries; enough to feed me.
What is your favourite dad/mum joke?
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Isabelle who?"
"Is-a-bell necessary on a bike?"
What is your favourite sporting team? How would you describe their most recent season in 3 words?
The mighty Collingwood Magpies. A bloody dream.
Favourite playlist/podcast at the moment?
America if you're listening
Go-to karaoke song?
Careless Whisper - George Michael
Top 3 celebrities (dead or alive) that you'd invite over for dinner?
Dane Swan, John Mayer and Daniel Radcliffe
Favourite movie quote?
"Good Afternoon, my name is Russell and I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54 Sweat Lodge 12. Are you in need of any assistance today sir?" - Russell the Wilderness Explorer from 'UP.'
Top 3 concerts you've ever been to?
Parcels, Tame Impala, Last Dinosaurs.
The first destination on your travel list and why?
Montenegro; I always wanted to check it out and my girlfriend really wants to go so I'm putting it in writing to make it happen.
From the blog