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Meet MaxContact: Kat Rukavina

As part of our onboarding at MaxContact we always like to introduce new team members to our audience. It's a great way of getting to know the people that make up our team, what makes them tick and what they do in their spare time. This month we welcome Kat to the team.....


Tell us about yourself

Born in Fiji I come from a family of 4 girls, married into a Croatian family. After spending 34yrs in Sydney, we decided it was not for us and answered the call from the beach and took a leap of faith relocating our tiny family of 4 (Hubby, Olivia, Simba and me) to Gold Coast and loving every second we have spent here over the past 1.5yrs.

How long have you been with MaxContact?

Almost a week.



What do you love about working at MaxContact? 

The people are sooooooo easy going, super friendly and very family focused.

What is your favourite dad/mum joke?

I am a sucker for all dad jokes, but I do like; "To whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office, I will find you. You have my Word."

What is your death row meal?

Anything with ridiculous amounts of chilli. If fate won't kill me the chilli better!

What feature in the MaxContact platform do you get the most value from?

So far, I am loving the live agent view but am sure there is much more to discover.

Where would we find you on weekends?
At the beach with friends

Top 3 celebrities (dead or alive) that you'd invite over for dinner?
I only care for one….CHRIS HEMSWORTH 
Favourite playlist/podcast at the moment?
I don’t have a favourite but am into anything True Crime
What's your go-to karaoke song?  
Unstoppable by Sia

Top 3 favourite concerts you've ever been to?
Sadly, I’ve only ever been to see Brian Adams but would looooooove to see Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera (if they still perform 😝)

Favourite movie quote? 
Keep the change ya filthy animal (Home alone)

The first destination on your travel list and why?
Croatia……been there once, fell in love with it, need to take Olivia to meet the relatives.


Daniel Harding
Post by Daniel Harding
Daniel is the Director of MaxContact Australia. Since launching the business in Australia with its first clients in 2019, it has rapidly grown to become the solution of choice for businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Daniel has a comittment to ensuring that MaxContact Australia continues to grow whilst delivering value for all customers.